Before you send an email to an ATE chair or officer, please review the following FAQs.
- How does my college award CTEs?
Answer: Colleges have their own guidelines for determining CTEs; the ATE does not participate in this process. Contact your college rep for more details. - I've won a CTE from my college! What do I do now?
Answer: If your CTE has been awarded in the past three years (or four years if you elect to defer for one year), you are eligible to submit your dossier for a University Teaching Award (two are given each year). You will receive your certificate from the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning around the middle of March. - I've been nominated by my college for a Wine Award. What do I do now?
Answer: You are eligible to submit your dossier to Wine Award Committee. Contact the chair of the Wine Award Committee for details. See more information on the ATE Organization page.
- What are the deadlines for the ATE awards?
Answer: See the deadlines. - Where can I get more information on the dossier guidelines?
Answer: The ATE Dossier guidelines webpage provides detailed instructions. In addition, the ATE coordinates a dossier workshop every year via Zoom and posts a recording of it on the ATE Dossier guidelines webpage. See the calendar for the next dossier workshop date. Contact the Chair of the University Teaching Award Committee for details. See more information on the ATE Organization page.
- I won a Diggs award! Am I eligible for an ATE award?
Answer: The Diggs Teaching Scholars Awards are not part of the ATE. Consequently, your receipt of a Diggs award does not impact your eligibility for an ATE award.
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