Instructional Consultations
General course consulting is offered to faculty members to address a myriad of questions and issues. Course consulting typically involves one-on-one discussions between faculty members and a center staff member to discuss questions or issues, determine a course of action, and to share instructional resources. The center staff is available to answer questions related to, but not limited to:
- planning a new course, from inception to final grades;
- designing a syllabus, including goals, assessments, schedules and policies;
- using instructional strategies, such as cooperative learning, lecturing, writing assignments and case studies;
- interpreting student test results, including test item analysis and test redesign;
- designing assessments, both formative and summative;
- and just about any other pedagogical question an instructor might have!
Individualized instructional consulting is confidential; that is, center staff will not share with outside entities (e.g., Department Heads, Tenure and Promotion Committees) the existence of or results from the consulting. The individual faculty member, however, is free to share this information.