Syllabus Checklist
A syllabus should detail the descriptive information regarding the course, the instructor’s policies, and expectations of students. Although syllabi take many forms and models, the following checklist provides some general information as to what should be included on your course syllabus.
Course Logistics:
- Course Title
- Course Number and Section
- Semester/Term
- Meeting Time
- Location
Instructor Information:
- Name
- Office Location
- Office Hours
- Email Address
- Phone Number
- Website (if applicable)
- Additional Contact Information
Course Information:
- Course Description
- Pre-requisites/Co-requisites
- Learning Outcomes/Goals
- Course Objectives
- Textbook and Required Materials
- Additional Resources (e.g., tutors, Writing Center, library reserve)
Course Policies:
- Attendance
- Late Work/Missed Work
- Academic Dishonesty/Honor Code
- ADA Accommodations
- Copyright (if applicable)
- Mobile Devices
- Syllabus Subject to Change
Grading Scale and Methods:
- Grade Scale (e.g., A = 90-100%; B = 80-89.9%)
- Assignment Value/Weight (e.g., Test 1 = 10%)
- Description of Assignments (brief overview; detailed instructions provided later)
Course Schedule/Calendar:
- Clear explanation of due dates; table format recommended. What readings are due for each class?
- When are assignments due?
- Include holidays or school closings.
Other Considerations:
- Teaching philosophies
- University student resources
- Suggested readings
- Specific policies for different course types (e.g., lab safety)
- Syllabus acknowledgment statements for student signatures