Tips for Including TAs
Incorporate your teaching assistants effectively into the classroom community. Students need to feel like the TA’s are part of the class, are aware of what is going on in class, and have the expertise to assist them before they will willingly seek out TA’s help. If the TA is never seen or heard from, it creates the impression that the TA is not someone who can assist with the course material.
To help incorporate TA’s into the classroom, consider these suggestions:
- Introduce the TA on the very first day and have the TA lead a short activity. This will help create the impression that the TA is knowledgeable and integrated into the course.
- Require that your TA is present during class time. This will ensure that the TA knows what is going on during class.
- Have planning and/or feedback meetings regularly with your TA.
- Ensure that the TA is available for at least some time prior to and directly after class to help address students’ questions and concerns.
- While not always possible, try to have the TA’s office hours at a time most students can access. For example, office hours from 10am - noon are likely going to be when most students are in other classes. However, this allows for some creative thinking like offering virtual office hours online during the week.