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Get Feedback from Your Students

Using Surveys and Other Tools


Getting regular feedback from your students on how things are going in the course can improve student-faculty interaction and provide insights to adjust instruction. As you think about how to integrate feedback into your course, consider the following suggestions.

Tips for Getting Feedback from Your Students

  1. Make it anonymous. Anonymous feedback removes some of the anxiety a student may feel about being truthful or acknowledging problems they are having in the course.  
  2. Use a survey prior to the first day of class or during the first week to find out relevant information from your students. For example, ask them their preferred study habits, what their preception of the course is, how many other classes/credits they're taking, are they working on campus or off campus jobs (part-time/full-time), is there anything they want you to know about themselves that could impact their course success? These questions send a message that you want to get to know your students and you recognize that they have other commitments outside of your course.
  3. Get feedback about the course early enough to make adjustments. Get your first round of feedback by midsemester or earlier. This allows you to make adjustments if needed in a timely manner that will improve student success.
  4. Ask questions to get feedback about what is working well in your course and what areas need improvement.
  5. Take time to debrief with your students. Make sure to acknowledge the feedback they have provided and communicate what changes, if any, you are going to make as a result of it.

Related CETL Services

If you'd like to get feedback from your students but would prefer a third party gather it, CETL provides mid-semester feedback services. You can schedule a time for a staff member to come to your class and facilitate a feedback session.