Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
Teaching as Research
From our experiences as graduate students and faculty members, we often become well-versed in the research process within our disciplines. However, there are opportunities to conduct and share research on the teaching and learning that occurs in our classrooms. The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning offers workshops, consulting, and grants to support Virginia Tech faculty and instructors with their Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).
SoTL Consultations
If you are thinking about beginning a SoTL project or have some questions about an existing project, you can make an appointment for a SoTL consultation with a staff member in our center. Request a consultation. A staff member will contact you to arrange a meeting.
SoTL Writer’s Retreat
Virginia Tech has faculty engaged in excellent teaching, but often the day-to-day workload as well as the demands of disciplinary research create barriers to SoTL publication. To support faculty engaged with scholarship of teaching and learning to publish in peer-reviewed journals, please explore the Faculty Affairs writing retreats.